How to create your first Stack

Before you can begin collecting testimonials and building the Wall of Love, you must first create a new stack. A stack serves as a container for all of your testimonials. 

To create your new stack, go to your dashboard page and click on the "create new stack" button.

You will be taken to the create stack page

This page is divided into two sections. On the left, you can customize your stack and fill out form fields with the questions you want to ask your customer. The live preview section is on the right side. When you make changes, a live preview appears on the right-hand side, as shown here.

Each field has been divided into different categories; here is an explanation of what each category does.

1. Design 

You can set your stack logo and your preferred color scheme here, and you also have the chance to set your button background and text color to fit your style using the color picker.

2. Welcome Page

This is where you enter the necessary information about your stack as well as any questions you want to ask your customers (up to 5 questions).

3. Response Page

You can ask your customers to leave you a testimonial and also get their permission to         

use their reviews publicly.

4. Additional Settings

The name will be collected by default. You can, however, collect additional information such as email, headlines, and websites if necessary. You can also add two more custom fields by clicking the "Add additional info" button.

5. Thank you page

This is where you can add your customized thank-you page title and message, as well as your own CTA button text and link.

After successfully submitting the testimonial, you can redirect your users to whatever page you specify in your CTA link. It can be your own "thank you" page or any other page to show your appreciation.

Then you click the publish button at the bottom of the page to publish your stack.

You will see a popup modal on your screen stating that your modal has been published.

You have the option to either copy the link and paste it into the href attribute of any of your website links, or you can close the modal and return to the dashboard to view your newly created stack.

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