How to add a testimonial to your Wall of Love

Items that can be added to the wall of love include:

  • Video / Text testimonials
  • Facebook Posts
  • Twitter Tweets
  • Youtube Videos and more

In this article, we will show you how to add the items listed above to your "Wall of Love."

  1. Text Testimonials

To add a text testimonial to the wall of love, go to the dashboard page and then click the icon on the right side of each stack card. This will bring up a drop-down list, and then click the “manage testimonials” link.

You will then be directed to the manage stack page, as shown. Then click on the “more action” button at the bottom right to expand the testimonial card

Click on the “Add to wall of love” button; you will see a toaster message stating that the testimonial has been successfully added to the wall of love.

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